Clients expect that their tax consultant / auditor can also support them by providing management consultancy. For this, we have the necessary theoretical foundation and training, as well as a practical insight into many companies and thus many years of experience in this field.
Accordingly, we are able to offer support for all the business questions, problems and difficulties that occur in the business process. These can involve, for example:
- Questions about financing (loans, mezzanine, equity, leasing, factoring)
- Cost control (planning, nominal-actual value analysis, controlling)
- Management information / reporting systems (ratio systems for assessing earnings, assets and liquidity, early risk detection systems, reporting)
- Preparation of business plans or support regarding business plans
- Cost accounting and calculation questions
- Investment and cost-benefit analyses
- Strategic decisions (such as expansions, establishing branches, acquisitions)
- Crisis situations, turnarounds (identification and analysis of loss-leaders, cost analysis, contribution-to-profit analysis)
- Questions about private assets (which are often inseparably linked to business assets)