About us


Expertise and industry know-how - an ideal completion

The concern of our law firm is to provide our clients with constructive support by constantly supplementing our expertise with industry know-how. This synthesis enables us to provide efficient and creative advice. Industry know-how puts us in a position to better assess the clients environment and perspectives. This promotes a constructive dialogue that can provide decisive impulses for the client's success. Our many years of experience show that this consulting approach is particularly helpful for our medium-sized and freelance clients.

Interdisciplinary advice

We value multiple professional qualifications and many years of professional experience. Continuous professional exchange among each other ensures that our diverse knowledge can be optimally incorporated into our consulting services. We are able to form and flexibly deploy small but highly efficient teams for the essential areas of auditing and consulting of companies and freelancers.

Active and forward-looking advice

The economic and fiscal conditions are subject to constant change. We keep ourselves permanently up to date and observe the development closely. We bring together the knowledge about the legal and tax development on the one hand and the individual situation of the client on the other hand and draw conclusions from it. So we can offer an active and forward-looking advice. Our clients receive regular and occaision-related information on current legal changes and topics. Our goal is to make sure that our clients can act instead of having to react.

We are a member of uhy , an international association of independent accounting and consulting firms whose legal entity is Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a company incorporated under British law founded in 1986. UHY International is a member of the forum of firms, a consortium of auditing firms to ensure high quality international auditing standards, to which fewer than 25 companies worldwide belong.

More Information

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Contact us

Dr. Langenmayr und Partner; Seidlstraße 30, 80335 München
