We carry out the statutory audits of annual and consolidated financial statements for companies of all legal forms, including international accounting standards (IFRS and US GAAP). Far the audit of Loreign subsidiaries of German parent compaines we can rely on our partner offines from the UHY network.
Conversely in the case of subsidiaries of foreign companies, we audit the so-called reporting package and report to the parent company. When converting the accounting in accordance with IFRS, we can provide you with technical and auditing support during the project.
For corporate acquisitions, reorganizations, restructuring and many other special situations, our clients rely on the results of our special business audits (such as due diligence, internal audit, embezzlement, corporate governance, over-indebtedness).
Auditors who carry out statutory audits are required to undergo quality control (so-called peer review). We successfully participate in the quality control system according to § 57a WPO in order to document our high quality standard also in the external relationship.